5 Stars Hotels in Val Gardena in South Tyrol

Tips for a 5 Stars Hotel in Val Gardena

Alpenroyal Grand Hotel ***** in Selva Gardena

Alpenroyal Grand Hotel in Selva Gardena

Str. Meisules 43, 39048 Selva Gardena, South Tyrol / Italy

Hotel-Website: www.alpenroyal.com

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Hotels in the villages in Val Gardena

Choose a hotel for your Val Gardena holidays in one of the 3 villages in Val Gardena: Ortisei, Selva Gardena or S. Cristina.

Museums in Val Gardena

The Ladinians are very proud of their culture and traditions. Find out more about it at the local history museum of Val Gardena and at the exhibit of arts and crafts of Val Gardena.